miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

My life...

Sometimes you have to ask yourself why are there things that you can never live without? This kind of thing that you love and you don’t know the true reason for it? You can´t explain what you feel, you can´t choose the perfect word. It is like memories. The memories are stories that happened and it never will come back in the same way, perhaps similar but...never the same. You can´t repeat one specific moment in the time because always something changes.

But... if you live without things that you need, you never will be happy. You never will discover what it’s like to laugh until you cry, or why sometimes you cry without problems or reason, only you cry...
Do you want feel one day that you didn´t live for yourself? That now is too late?

I know that if you read my words you can think that it is only words but, I try to do it the way of my life. Who doesn’t have dreams? and if you have a dream you need to know that there is nobody in the world that can stop you dreaming that way. One hundred stones in your way only are a little inconvenient if you are dreamer. If you love this kind of thing that maybe for other people are only ... air...

I can tell you that it is my life. When i was a child my mother taught me that if you work hard you can get everything. She always told me and my sisters that the life is not all rosy, and that the princesses are princesses but they have problems too. She showed us the reality and how we had to face the problems. Now i´m really grateful for this, i feel proud of the education that i received.

If i tell you this is because It is essential to explain who i am today.
I couldn´t speak about all my life because 26 years is a long time...and as a good friend calsl me, i´m a intensive andalusian person, and i try to live deeply but for this reason when i was about 15 I started to be a passionate person. The biggest mistake of my character is to believe that other people will think and behave the same way as me. Actually for example, all my experience in my relationships has been bad because i always think that the other person will be honest. I can´t understand how somebody can do things that without feeling or ...feel things and no fight for those thing. But, nobody said that life would be rosy.

In my life, i have never been afraid to travel and leave my town. In this moment, i have been outside my home for 8 years and i like it enough to come back. My rules, my goals, my old friends and the news, my freedom ...There are things too important for me.

But, i haven´t changed. I always was a little strange! My mum tells me that when i was a baby i was so quiet and when i was growing, she could leave me alone while she was cooking because i loved tv,  movies or maybe... stories.

Later, in the school i started to write and today, i can’t stop ...i´m thinking that i have to write about my life but...What do you want to know? My life is normal. I love studying, i love chatting, i love the sun... normal life. Perhaps It is my impression because now, for living as an au pair in another country with unknown family, everybody tells me that i´m brave, but... I don´t think so. I´m only looking for my happiness. Remember... if you have a dream...you should go for it! And if you dont get it, you should keep trying

Like all stories, when it is written, you get to the end and you hope that the princess and the prince will be happy and they have a big castle and lovely son and daughter forever,...but this story, my story I´m writing with every step that i take and you are reading it, you are becoming part of it. My future is not written yet. You are my present and is possible that you will be my future too, least one part of it.

Life is not stable, it’s knowing to walk with balance, that’s my opinion anyway.

When i read or write, i´m doing something that i like and i don´t know why. Maybe I’ll never i get to work as a journalist but...as long as somebody wants to read my work, i will know that i´m in the correct way.

That’s my life so far…To be continued…

1 comentario:

  1. Esa es la actitud, aún con las erratas típicas de Irlandesa Learner llegarás a ser periodistucha!!
